Refunds and Cancellations

I.    This policy is about delivering value and about increasing transparency in our relationship so that you can make the best choices for you.

The course content has been carefully curated by mentors who are experts in the domain. As such, the courses will definitely help you learn and become better at the chosen skill.

1.      Amount once paid through the payment gateway shall not be refunded other than in the following circumstances:

A.     Multiple times debiting of Customer’s Card/Bank Account due to technical error OR Customer’s account being debited with excess amount in a single transaction due to technical error. In such cases, excess amount excluding Payment Gateway charges would be refunded to the Customer.

B.     Due to technical error, payment being charged on the Customer’s Card/Bank Account but the enrolment for the course is unsuccessful. Customer would be provided with the enrolment by Mystic Enterprises.

2.      The Customer will have to raise a query by sending an email at for refund along with the transaction number and payment receipt if any generated at the time of making payments.

3.      The application will be processed manually and after verification, if the claim is found valid, the amount received in excess will be refunded by Mystic Enterprises through electronic mode in favor of the applicant. It will take 3-10 days for the money to show in your bank account depending on your bank’s policy.

Gifts and Promotional Codes

Mystic Enterprises may offer gift and promotional codes to students. Certain codes may be redeemed for gift or promotional credits applied to your login  account, which then may be used to purchase eligible content on our platform, subject to the terms included with your codes. Other codes may be directly redeemable for specific content.  These codes and credits, as well as any promotional value linked to them, may expire if not used within the period specified in your course account. Gift and promotional codes offered by Mystic Enterprises may not be refunded for cash, unless otherwise specified in the terms included with your codes or as required by applicable law.